Exploring the benefits and importance of colostrum, the first milk produced after childbirth.
What is colostrum?
Colostrum is the first milk that is made by nursing parents. Did you know that you start making colostrum during the second trimester?
It can be thick like honey and lower in volume, but packed with nutrients and antibodies
It is the baby's first protection after delivery
Starts to change around days 3-5
Is often perceived as no milk but don't discredit the POWER of the colostrum, after all, it is MILK
It may vary in color and be clear to yellow
The baby is often the best removal of this thick substance from the breast and massaging can help with getting it out
Hand expression aka squeezing milk out is helpful
It can be harvested before the baby arrives but it is not recommended prior to 37 weeks and shouldn't be done without consulting with your provider.